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參加GRS物理治療實習計劃是獲得獨特經驗的絕佳機會。當中你會發現一些全新的體驗和理解; 同時獲得的經驗更有助你將來發展自己的事業。 對物理治療積極的態度,能幫助你在實習期間接觸到各種病症的患者。當中可能包括中風,運動損傷和骨骼受傷等等。你也可以透過協助康復工作,了解治療師如何使用不同的設備幫助病人。
GRS物理治療實習生在GRS活力中心工作,能了解中心日常的運作,並獲得幫助患者的經驗。物理治療的實習包括:協助肌力與體能訓練,協助患者進行治療,以及設計和評估治療方案。另外一些行政支援工作也是實習生責任的一部分。 在物理治療領域上增進知識,獲得與專業人員和患者接觸的經驗是十分寶貴的。透過了解患者和治療師的關係,實習生能更廣泛地以物理治療改善患者生活的方式。與GRS合作也顯示了對康復領域的熱誠和承諾,除此之外,在簡歷上加上實習的經驗,對將來尋找工作亦能提供巨大的優勢。
無論你是尋求工作經驗的學生,還是想更上一層樓的專業人士,成為GRS的實習生都能為你做好準備。想像你自己是GRS的實習生,成為GRS的一分子,幫助我們塑造更好的未來。 GRS實習計劃全年開放。請透過電子郵件查詢及提交申請。有關本計劃的詳情,請參閱我們的網站。
Stephen Hui
As a student physiotherapist for the past six weeks in GRS, I have learnt applications of a wide spectrum of therapeutic modalities which can be exemplified by interferential therapy, ultrasound, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, to name but a few. Along with normal daily operation of a clinic, the exposure of effective clinical and interpersonal techniques has made me understand the importance of empathy and communication in physiotherapy practice. One of the most memorable aspects of my internship was the hands-on experience I gained in a workshop. I was amazed by the intricate connection between anatomy and movement, and how even minor misalignments could result in significant pain or dysfunction. Throughout my time at the clinic, the supportive environment fostered my professional development in a cycle of asking questions, seeking feedback, and reflecting on my practice. I really look forward to carrying these lessons into my future practice, committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those I serve.
I am incredibly grateful for the chance to work as an intern at GRS. As a second-year student of physiotherapy, it was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn more about various clinical settings. I have learned a lot of practical skills in those two months. Additionally, I would like to thank the physiotherapists for their kindness in helping us with different scenarios as well as responding to our questions. I believe that this experience will prepare me for my future career.
was thrilled to complete a rewarding and productive internship at GRS this past summer. Throughout the experience, I had the opportunity to work closely with several professional physiotherapists and assist in their clinical work. I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with patients and learning about their injuries by shadowing Benson and Ken. This opportunity not only allows me to apply my knowledge practically, it also strengthened my communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills through patient’s rehabilitation process and learning from the different physiotherapists. Additionally, I was taught the principles of some of the leading physiotherapy devices and equipment, and I applied my classroom knowledge to understand the mechanisms behind these machines. The welcoming and supportive clinic environment at GRS also encouraged me to be proactive and reach out whenever I was unsure about anything. After two months of this apprenticeship, I have gained a solid foundation of how this field operates and further solidified my desire to pursue a career in physiotherapy.
As an intern at the GRS Health Services Physiotherapy Centre, I had the privilege of gaining hands-on experience in the field of physical therapy. Working alongside experienced physiotherapists, I was able to observe and participate in the various treatment modalities used to help patients recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and improve their overall physical function.
One of the most valuable aspects of my internship was the opportunity to interact directly with patients. Whether it was guiding them through therapeutic exercises, providing manual therapy techniques, or simply listening to their concerns, I learned the importance of empathy, communication, and patient-centered care. Seeing the tangible progress made by patients as a result of their dedicated rehabilitation efforts was incredibly rewarding.
Throughout my internship, I was continually challenged to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired in the classroom to real-world clinical scenarios. This process of critical thinking and problem-solving not only reinforced my understanding of physiotherapy principles but also honed my clinical decision-making skills.
Overall, my internship at the GRS Health Services Physiotherapy Centre has been a transformative experience. It has solidified my passion for the field, deepened my clinical expertise, and instilled in me a profound respect for the profound impact that physiotherapists can have on the lives of their patients. As I look to the future, I am eager to continue my professional development and contribute to the ongoing progress of the physiotherapy profession.
Thank you for the opportunity to work as an intern at GRS. As a non-physiotherapy major student, it was definitely a valuable time for me to explore the field and the settings of private clinic. I gained lots of hands-on experience throughout these 3 months, especially the operation of physiotherapy equipment.I would also like to express my gratitude to the physiotherapists who are welcoming to guide us through cases and answer our questions.
Abbie Tsang
Thank you for giving the opportunity to work as an intern at GRS Health Services for three weeks.
Throughout my internship I learnt to operate machines for instance ultrasound and IFT and gained hands-on experiences.
Apart from that, physiotherapists are willing to teach us different techniques and give us an opportunity to shadow their work. I enjoyed my stay here and once again thank you GRS.
Thank you GRS for giving me this valuable opportunity to have this internship so that I can learn a lot throughout my time there. Throughout my internship, I learnt how to operate machines such as ultrasound and IFT that are involved in physiotherapy treatment. Besides, I have also learnt a lot from the physiotherapists there who are always willing to share their experience and demonstrate different manual treatment techniques with me so that I can enrich my knowledge and apply it to real clinical scenarios. Moreover, having this internship also allows me to experience the ‘Hong Kong style’ of private clinics and understand the communication method and treatment standards that are needed in workplaces. Finally, once again thank you GRS for giving me this opportunity to have this internship.
在GRS作為實習生,我不但有機會學習各類治療儀器的應用方法,例如超聲波、IFT 等,更可加以練習使用這些儀器,提高自己的熟練程度,令我日後研習這些儀器前已有初步認識,過程更得心應手。
GRS 的物理治療師願意與後輩分享個人知識和經驗,讓我作為一年級PT學生,亦能約略理解個案的治療方向,並從中思考和學習。
Thank you for the opportunity to work as an intern at GRS Health Services. It was such a valuable experience to learn about different types of machines such as IFT and ultrasound. I gained hands-on experiences and learned a lot from physiotherapists. Apart from communicating with physiotherapists, I also got chances to chat with clients which boost my communication skills. Although my time here wasn't very long, huge thank you to the Team for this memorable experience!
During my time at GRS, I am filled with gratitude for the diverse and enriching opportunity that was offered to me. The facility exposed me to a variety of medical equipment; for instance, I had the chance to gain practical experience with Interferential therapy and ultrasound machines, significantly widening my technical proficiency. However, the journey at GRS was not limited to academics. It also fostered my social skills, leading to a remarkable improvement in the quality of my service. Through these interactive experiences, I learned the importance of communication and empathy in a healthcare setting, and these lessons will forever resonate in my professional life.
任職的物理治療師亦樂意教導解答問題,指導學生各類治療手法,擁有hands on的經驗!
Thank you GRS for providing me this opportunity to be a physio intern during this summer. I learnt how to use machines that aren’t taught while studying in the UK, such as IFT,ultrasound and Vesta. On top of that, I was lucky enough to have a one-on-one session which I taught patients some home-based exercises and stretching methods. I enjoyed my one month stay here and I believe this is a worthy experience for me to pursue my goal to become a top-tier physiotherapist in the future.
I had never been exposed to physiotherapy before my internship at GRS, but now I have a basic understanding of the field. It has been an honour for me to interact with groups of professionals .My biggest takeaway from their kind and generous sharing of professional expertise and experience. Thank you so much to the GRS team and special thank you to Derek for this special and unforgettable event.
I really appreciate that GRS gave me an opportunity for working as an intern here. I am a 3rd year physio currently student studying in U.K. Over the last two months, I have learnt to operate different medical equipment, like Interferential Therapy, ultrasound and so on. Those experience are unique for me which I haven’t seen most of them in U.K.. I also worked alongside the physios, and sometimes I could shadow their work and discussed the cases with them. I have gained various skills from doing this, such as clinical reasoning and communication skills, which are definitely valuable for me to become a professional physiotherapist.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work as an intern at GRS Health Services Physiotherapy Centre. As a physiotherapy graduate of a UK university, I get to learn more about physiotherapy in a clinic setting in Hong Kong. I learnt the usage of different therapeutic machines and various strengthening and balance exercises. This internship has been a rewarding experience.
Einstein Tang
I am very appreciated that GRS health service has given me such a valuable opportunity to work in a private clinic. Over the last few months, l worked with some experienced physiotherapists, learnt the skills of using different therapeutic machines and skills to approach patients with different conditions. These techniques will definitely help me to become a better therapist.
Eunice Li
Kyle Chan
First of all, thanks GRS team for providing this precious internship experiences. Throughout the days in GRS, I can experience Hong Kong physio system and have the opportunity to learn how to treat patients under professional physiotherapists. Overall, the experience are absolutely fantastic and I gain a lot in here.
Stephanie Wong
Previously unexposed to the area of physiotherapy, I have gained a fundamental understanding of the profession through interning at GRS. It is my honour to have met groups of industry professionals, the experienced and the fresh through the internship. Their generous sharing of industry knowledge and experience is definitely my greatest takeaway. A huge thank you to the GRS team for this unique and memorable experience.
Jason Wai
Thanks GRS for providing me with this internship opportunity, it was great to see how a physiotherapy clinic is operated in HK and how HK Physios managed their caseload in such a fast pace environment. I appreciate the support from the staff that I have encountered and have learned what kind of physiotherapist I would like to be in the future.
Anthony Chiu
好感謝GRS俾我有一個係依度實習嘅機會!在英國實習期間較少接觸到不同嘅物理治療儀器,好榮幸能夠係GRS學習以及操作不同嘅機器。除此之外,依次嘅實習加深左我對於物理治療私人診所嘅日常運作,了解到實際嘅執業情況。依度嘅職員都好友善,而且係度可以認識到其他志同道合嘅朋友。 多謝GRS同埋入面嘅每一位員工!
Tsz Chun
十分感激GRS 提供了實習的機會,讓我能夠在剛過去的暑假中加深對物理治療這個行業的認識和了解。作為一個非治療系的學生,自己對於物理治療的認識只是留於片面。但在GRS這裏進習實習,不但了解到物理治療師在進行問診和檢查的技巧,而且也認識到不同治療儀器的善用和復康運動的配合,來促進病人的康復。此外,很高興在GRS的實習期間,自己能夠參與在治療和復康運動的部分。這些經驗不但讓我學習到因應病人的情況而制定不同的治療方案,而且也促進了我和病人之間的溝通,解答他們的疑難和給予他們信心。最後衷心感激GRS的每一位,他們在診証、治療和復康上循循善誘的教導和分享,讓我有一個充實和愉快的實習時光。
Samson Lau
首先衷心多謝GRS有呢個internship嘅機會!身為一個冇物理治療或相關資歷嘅人,但又想喺呢啲環境下見識嘅人嚟講,呢個係一個非常非常好嘅經驗。返咗三個月,話長唔長話短唔短,好開心可以睇到一間診所日常運作,又有hands-on experience去幫助client,學習用唔同嘅儀器, 最重要係跟物理治療師偷師~~
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